Episode 15: Mary Ware Dennett and Typhoid Mary

Lynn tells us about Mary Coffin Ware Dennett. An American women's rights activist, pacifist, homeopathic advocate, and pioneer in the areas of birth control, sex education, and women's suffrage.

Rose tells us about Typhoid Mary who spread Typhoid all over New York as a cook. She was given a chance to find a new career, but she didn't follow the rules and was forced to spend her life in isolation.

Thank you to our sources!

This week, Lynn got the information for her story from the following sources:

Mary Coffin Ware Dennett (1872-1947)

Mary Coffin Ware Dennett (1872-1947) | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia (asu.edu)

The Sex Education Pamphlet That Sparked a Landmark Censorship Case

The Sex Education Pamphlet That Sparked a Landmark Censorship Case | History| Smithsonian Magazine

Mary Ware Dennett Photo

mary-ware-dennett-womens-history.jpg (800×806) (time.com)

Mary Ware Dennett Photo

img14C.jpg (400×507) (elisarolle.com)


img_2296.jpg (1072×715) (cdn-si-edu.com)

Mary Working

image-asset.jpeg (232×205) (squarespace-cdn.com)

The trunk where Mary's papers were found

trunk-1024x768.jpg (1024×768) (tn-cloud.net)

Rose got the information for her story from the following sources:

10 Things You May Not Know About 'Typhoid Mary' - HISTORY

10 Things You May Not Know About 'Typhoid Mary' - HISTORY

Typhoid Mary | Biography, Disease, & Facts | Britannica

Typhoid Mary | Biography, Disease, & Facts | Britannica

Typhoid Mary, Who Spread Typhoid in Early 1900s

Typhoid Mary, Who Spread Typhoid in Early 1900s (thoughtco.com)

Typhoid Mary: the super-spreader before the term even existed | Infectious diseases | The Guardian

Typhoid Mary: the super-spreader before the term even existed | Infectious diseases | The Guardian

The Frightening Legacy of Typhoid Mary

The Frightening Legacy of Typhoid Mary | History| Smithsonian Magazine


Episode 16: Tova Friedman and Mia Yamamoto


Episode 14: Mother Teresa and Judy Buenoano